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The Lonergan reader
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
Mark D. Morelli
Elizabeth A. Morelli
34.87 Mb
Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan: Insight
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
Frederick E. Crowe
Robert M. Doran
Lonergan Research Institute
103.85 Mb
Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan: Collection
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
Frederick E. Crowe
Robert M. Doran
Lonergan Research Institute
42.15 Mb
Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan: Understanding and being
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
Frederick E. Crowe
Robert M. Doran
Lonergan Research Institute
51.84 Mb
Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, Volume 2)
Bernard Lonergan
39.80 Mb
Philosophical and Theological Papers, 1958-1964: Volume 6 (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan) (v. 6)
Bernard Lonergan
8.36 Mb
The Triune God: Doctrines (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan)
Bernard Lonergan
19.58 Mb
The Triune God: Systematics (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan)
Bernard Lonergan
22.82 Mb
Insight: A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, Volume 3)
Bernard Lonergan
18.13 Mb
Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy of Religion: From Philosophy of God to Philosophy of Religious Studies
Jim Kanaris
1.27 Mb
Through a Glass Darkly: Bernard Lonergan & Richard Rorty on Knowing Without a God's-eye View (Marquette Studies in Philosophy, No 45)
R. j. Snell
1.13 Mb
Ethnic & Religious Bias in Africa: An Analysis of Bias Decline and Conversion Based on the Works of Bernard Lonergan (Marquette Studies in Theology)
Cyril Orji
2.97 Mb
Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy of Religion: From Philosophy of God to Philosophy of Religious Studies
Jim Kanaris
1.15 Mb
Faith Seeking Understanding: The Functional Specialty 'Systematics' in Bernard Lonergan's 'Method in Theology' (Marquette Studies in Theology, #26.)
Matthew C. Ogilvie
858 Kb
Doctrinal Pluralism
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
113 Kb
Topics in education: the Cincinnati lectures of 1959 on the philosophy of education
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
Robert M. Doran
Frederick E. Crowe
38.24 Mb
The ontological and psychological constitution of Christ
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
Frederick E. Crowe
Michael G. Shields
Robert M. Doran
Lonergan Research Institute
30.88 Mb
Grace and Freedom: Operative Grace in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas
Bernard J. F. Lonergan
Frederick E. Crowe
Robert M. Doran
61.21 Mb
Hermeneutics and method: the 'universal viewpoint' in Bernard Lonergan
Ivo Coelho
36.81 Mb
Insight: A Study of Human Understanding
Bernard Lonergan
85.02 Mb
Método en Teología
Bernard Lonergan
18.89 Mb
Through a Glass Darkly: Bernard Lonergan & Richard Rorty on Knowing Without a God's-eye View
R. j. Snell
1000 Kb